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Road map of Poland: roads, tolls and highways of Poland
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You can find on this page the Poland road map to print and to download in PDF. The Poland driving map presents the detailed road network, main highways and free motorways of Poland in Europe.

Poland roads map

The Poland road map shows all roads network and main roads of Poland. This road map of Poland will allow you to preparing your routes and find your routes through the roads of Poland in Europe. The Poland roads map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The road infrastructure of Poland needs more development according to the European Union. As of 31 December 2009, there are 916 kilometres (570 mi) of motorways (autostrady, singular – autostrada); 606 km (380 mi) of expressways (drogi ekspresowe, singular – droga ekspresowa), and an extensive network of other roads (of which about 1,200 km (750 mi) are dual carriageways) connecting all major cities as its mentioned in Poland roads map.

Polish public roads are grouped into categories related to administrative division as you can see in Poland roads map. Poland has 383,313 km (238,180 mi) of public roads, of which 122,080 km (75,860 mi) are unpaved (2008): National roads (Classes A, S, GP and exceptionally G): 18,520 km (11,510 mi), Voivodeship roads (Classes G, Z and exceptionally GP): 28,536 km (17,730 mi), 61.4 km (38 mi) unpaved, Powiat roads (Classes G, Z and exceptionally L): 126,924 km (78,870 mi), 12,539 km (7,790 mi) unpaved, Gmina roads (Classes L, D and exceptionally Z): 209,333 km (130,070 mi), 109,478 km (68,030 mi) unpaved.

The quality of the Polish road transport system has been stalling the country economic development by slowing down the movement of goods and people. In 2007 only 3% of Polish roads met EU standards. Although the total length of roads is relatively high, Poland is missing the minimum required density of motorways and expressways. 4,808 km (2,990 mi) of the routes were classified as part of TINA European transport corridors as its shown in Poland roads map. According to GDDKiA national roads condition report of 2008, 25% of national roads conformed handling of 11.5 tons per axle loads.

Poland highway map

The Poland highway map shows toll and free motorways of Poland. This highways map of Poland will allow you to prepare your routes on motorways of Poland in Europe. The Poland highway map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Poland has a large and growing road network of about 1053 miles of highways and 1506 miles of express roads as its mentioned in Poland highway map. The country was listed as 5th in Europe regarding the length of highways and motorways. Under the current program, GDDKiA plans to spend $37.5 billion on highways and roads by 2025. Poland also has some two-lane and a few four-lane highways which connect all areas of the country not serviced as expressways. These are supplemented by a network of generally poorly maintained side roads and local paved routes.

The Polish highways networks has been viewed in the past as chronically underdeveloped and lacking in basic modern infrastructure. After the fall of communism and after joining the European Union, this situation is rapidly changing for the better and in the next decade Poland plans to have a very modern network of highways (see Poland highway map).

The National Directorate for Roads and Highways (GDDKiA), the Polish Railway PKP S.A., the Polish Railway Networks (PKP-PLK), Ministry of Development, Ministry of Infrastructure, and Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Waterways are all responsible for nation-wide or regional projects. Many highway, railway, and inland-waterway projects are eligible for EU funding as its mentioned in Poland highway map.